Essence Wiki
Blue Butterfly Wings Quest Info ( Item 20014 )
A token of membership for the Blue Lover's Club for all those who appreciate the color blue.

Bypasses 5% of the enemy's defense
[Thief Classes]
Adds a 5% chance to Double Attack when attacking
[Non Thief Classes]
Adds a 20% chance to Double Attack when attacking

Item Information: Blue Butterfly Wings
Quest Type Lower Headgear Quest
Number of Slot: 0
Required Level: 170
Prerequisite: Blue Beanie
Blue Fish
Blue Hairband
Blue Charm Stone
Cobaltblue Dyestuffs


  • Level 170 character
  • 750,000 Zeny
  • Blue Headgear x 1 - (Blue Valk Helm is fine, any not required in this quest)
  • Blue Beanie x 1

- #5236 [ RMS | eRO CP ]

- #5065 [ RMS | eRO CP ]

- #5052 [ RMS | eRO CP ]

  • Butterfly Wings x 1000

Wraith(1192) (100%)[gl_chyard]
Bloody Butterfly(1408) (100%)[gon_dun01]
- #602 [ RMS | eRO CP ]

  • Crystal Blue x 200

Aquaring(3952) (100%)[iz_dun04]
- #991 [ RMS | eRO CP ]

  • Blue Tinted Feather x 100

Lady Solace(1703) (100%)[tha_t09]
- #7441 [ RMS | eRO CP ]

  • Blue Bijou x 100

Acidus(1716) (100%)[abyss_02]
- #7446 [ RMS | eRO CP ]

- #978 [ RMS | eRO CP ]

- #7428 [ RMS | eRO CP ]


1.- Wear a blue headgear that is not one of the required headgears or tint your Valkyrie Helm at the stylist.

2.- Go to abyss_02 and find Yahto at 155, 201. Give him 750,000 zeny.

Yahto-NPCcropped Yahto-minimap


Wide Shot of Yahto

3.- Go to ice_dun02 and find Hinto at 207, 223. Give him the Blue Beanie.

Hinto-NPCcropped Hinto-minimap


Wide Shot of Hinto

4.- Go to iz_dun03 and find Zulimar at 217, 171. Give him the Blue Fish.

Zulimar-NPCcropped Zulimar-minimap


Wide Shot of Zulimar

5.- Go to Alberta (@go 4) and find Violet at 211, 128. Give her the Blue Hairband.

Violet-NPCcropped Violet-minimap


Wide Shot of Violet

6.- Go to jupe_core and find Blue Wing Master at 235, 153. Give him the 1000 Butterfly Wings.

Blue Wing Master-NPCcropped Blue Wing Master-minimap

Blue Wing Master-wideshot

Wide Shot of Blue Wing Master

7.- Talk to him again and give him the rest of the items.
