Essence Wiki
Shinobi Sash 1 Quest Info ( Item 29552 )

[+ Ninja Suit] Maximum HP + 4000, Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 20%

Item Information: Shinobi Sash 1
Quest Type Accessory Quest

A sash that is said to have been owned by a renown ninja. With its embroidered emblem of nobility, it seems to contain some strange and mysterious power.


  • 1 Shinobi Sash
  • 1 Unripe Apple
  • 5 Mystic Frozen
  • 10 Empty Bottle
  • 100 Dark Masks
  • 100 Broken Shuriken
  • 50 Old Shuriken
  • 50 Piece of Black Cloth
  • 5 Chung Jah


Go to moc_fild 20 and find Mysterious Man at 35, 350

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He will tell you to find Desert Vender at moc_fild07 at 170, 320 for some water.

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Go back to the mysterious man and give him the fresh water he will tell you about a box in the cart

full of lemons Now go to moc_ruins and find a cart full of lemons

Screanessencero0412 Screanessencero0404 click on it and steal a Delivery Box. beware of the monsters that will be awakened.

Go back to Mysterious Man at moc_fild20 He tells you to go find his cousin Bico Nellic in the thief guild

Go to moc_pryd01 and enter the center warp Screanessencero0422 Screanessencero0431

Inside find Bico Nellic

BicoNellic Thiefguildmap Afterward, go back the the Mysterious Man at moc_fild20, give him the items and he should put together the Shinobi Sash for you.
